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Bachelor of Theology (B.Th)

A. Purpose & Nature

Programs granting the Bachelor degree are designed primarily to qualify graduates to function as principal leaders or ministers.

B. Entrance Qualifications [Extract from ATA Accreditation Manual, Page 18]

i) Successful completion of 12 years of schooling or its equivalent. ii) In special cases, older mature candidates (25 and above) who may not have completed the schooling may be admitted upon successful completion of the Diploma program and/or fulfilling a qualifying assessment. iii) Credits from non-accredited institutions are to be accepted only on the basis of validation or a period of probationary study.

The entrance requirement into the three year Bachelor of Theology degree programme is successful completion of 12 years of schooling or equivalent. Those who have appeared for the HSC /+2 and are awaiting their results may be admitted provisionally until the end of the first term/semester. Those who cannot produce their pass certificate should not be admitted.

Equivalency: The ATA-accredited two-year Diploma in Theology is an equivalent of the HSC/+2. Applicants who have completed successfully a two-year programme that has an entrance requirement of successful completion of 10 years of schooling [SSC], but is not ATA-accredited, must appear for and successfully pass a qualifying examination consisting of three papers set at the Final year DipTh in Biblical Studies, Theology and Christian Ministry. Unless this is done they are not qualified for entry into an ATA-accredited BTh degree programme. However, no such applicant can be granted any advanced credit toward the BTh degree.

Mature candidates who do not have meet the required entrance qualification, but are at least 25 years of age may be admitted into the programme on the basis of a Qualifying exam set at the 12th standard level [at least three subjects]. There ought not to be more than 10% of mature candidates in any given class/batch.

C. Graduation Requirements

(i) Successful completion of 108 units (= 36 subjects). (ii) An assessment of ministry involvement that meets set requirements. (iii) An assessment of character and spiritual development that meets set requirements/standards.

E. Areas of Study

  • Biblical Studies & Exegesis
  • Introduction to Biblical Languages and English Language
  • History of Christianity
  • Theology and Ethics
  • Practical Theology: Ministry related courses, Pastoralia, Missions, Christian Education, etc.
  • Religions, Culture and Society